Radiohead Themes and Motifs

After Pavement, Radiohead have been selected as the next band to explore the themes and motifs of. In this article, I'll explain why Ok Computer is the best album.

The Bends

The Bends Album Cover 220x220px


  1. Planet Telex
  2. The Bends
  3. High and Dry
  4. Fake Plastic Trees
  5. Bones
  6. (Nice Dream)
  7. Just
  8. My Iron Lung
  9. Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was
  10. Black Star
  11. Sulk
  12. Street Spirit (Fade Out)

Standout Tracks:

  • High and Dry
    • The strongest chorus on the album
  • Fake Plastic Trees
    • Another obvious pick, but I can't deny the intensity building and building in this song absolutely rocks
  • Black Star
    • The second best song named this, after Bowie's Blackstar


The Bends is good, but none of the songs stick out as all time top Radiohead songs. A very solid album in the discography.

Ok Computer

Ok Computer Album Cover 220x220px


  1. Airbag
  2. Paranoid Android
  3. Subterranean Homesick Alien
  4. Exit Music (For a Film)
  5. Let Down
  6. Karma Police
  7. Fitter Happier
  8. Electioneering
  9. Climbing Up the Walls
  10. No Surprises
  11. Lucky
  12. The Tourist

Standout Tracks:

  • Paranoid Android
    • This song has it all for me: the laidback acoustic guitar and the operatic vocals contrasted with the hard, slightly prog-rock-esque guitar solos tickles my pickle
  • Exit Music (For a Film)
    • How could I not choose this one? Haunting and beautiful
  • Karma Police
    • I'm not sure I actually like this song more than the honourable mentions. It's catchy though
  • Honourable mentions: Electioneering, Let Down


Wow, an absolute banger. Full of songs that go hard, with loud drums and electric guitar. I like it.

Kid A

Kid A Album Cover 220x220px


  1. Everything in Its Right Place
  2. Kid A
  3. The National Anthem
  4. How to Disappear Completely
  5. Treefingers
  6. Optimistic
  7. In Limbo
  8. Idioteque
  9. Morning Bell
  10. Motion Picture Soundtrack
  11. Untitled

Standout Tracks:

  • Everything in Its Right Place
    • So textural, so good
  • How to Disappear Completely
    • Like the rest of the album, quite slow and melancholic
  • Idioteque
    • Has a cool rhythm section, lots of percussion I like


It's quite pretty and makes great use of layered textures to build a cohesive soundscape throughout the entire album. None of the songs absolutely hard though, which is a bold choice. I think I would like a couple songs that go hard.


Amnesiac Album Cover 220x220px